Praying for Lionel

Praying for Lionel
This is a testimony of how God works.
I have a friend who is undergoing chemo. She called the day before and asked if I could take her if the weather became unmanageable for her father to drive from across town. Monday is usually my music studio day and I had just received a text from my producer that he needed the day to work on stuff. Instant free time - I was supposed to go. It would be good to catch up with my friend during the long boring infusion and I could pray for her while I was with her!

My friend went in for step one. While I waited for her, a woman came in and sat beside me. We began a bit of small talk and she mentioned church, weather, etc. I asked if she liked contemporary Christian music. She replied that she did, and I happened to have a copy in my purse which I gave to her. She said something about having been down lately and maybe this is just what she needed. Moments later a couple walked in she was waiting for and she exclaimed, "here's my children." I assumed it was her son and daughter coming to support her. She was thanking me when my friend came out. We were headed to another office to see the doctor for step two. I told the lady that I might see her again when we returned. 

We made our way back to the infusion clinic and settled into a curtained cubicle. The nurse explained that the hospital pharmacy was backed up quite a bit because every patient there was receiving chemo. This was going to be a long visit, which was fine because I had the time that God set aside! As my friend and I chit chatted with the nurse and with each other, I realized that the woman I met in the waiting room and the couple were in the cubicle next to us. They talked some, and then got quiet. I hadn't built enough of a rapport with her to stick my head around the curtain and say, "hey, how's it going?." or so I thought......

The time came for me to leave to pick up my kids from school. My friend's husband would come from work in 30 minute to pick her up and she was doing very well. I gathered my things and turned to leave when I noticed that the cubicle next to me contained the man from the couple earlier. He was reclined, covered up and sleeping. Hmmm, I thought.... I guess I was wrong. When I entered the waiting room, I saw the two women sitting together talking. I waved from across the room to which the woman I gave a CD to said, "Oh no, honey, you are not getting out of here without a hug!" She hugged me tight and thanked me again and said, "God bless ya!" I said "God bless you too!" The woman sitting with her immediately stood up for a hug as well with swollen red eyes full of tears that streamed down her face. I hugged her too.

I then asked, "is that your brother in there?" She replied, "No, that's my husband." I said "Oh, well what is his name, I will be praying for him." She said "Lionel." as she hung on desperate for comfort. I felt the urge to pray there, so I began to pray over Lionel with her and the other woman joined in. I was in a hurry, and didn't want to be late picking up my children, but God allowed just enough time for a waiting room prayer. 

Not getting their names (that's a rush for ya) I bid them goodbye promising to pray for Lionel. As I walked down the hall, I felt instantly sick to my stomach like I was going to lose my cookies. I wondered.... is this a glimpse of what Lionel is feeling? Is this absorbed emotion from his wife? Is this how she feels watching her man go through chemo? I tend to be a sponge. I told myself, "shake it off.... shake it off.... you are not sick." Then I asked God to help me remember Lionel's name and to bring him to mind when he needed prayer.

The following day I decided to tackle the kids bedrooms and get them cleaned out and cleaned up. I went through every toy piece by piece and decided which was staying and which was going somewhere else. This is tedious when the toys include legos, matchbox cars, tiny plastic animals, dolls, and their accessories. As I sorted the box of small toys and matchbox cars in my son's room, I picked up a car ready to toss it into the "going away" pile. I happen to glance at it a 2nd time and saw that the Nascar replica had the name LIONEL on it's hood and side! Are you kidding me?? I instantly began to pray for Lionel from the day before. I wondered how his body was handling the effects of chemo. I thanked God for the reminder.... and marveled at how He used a task I did not want to do to remind me that He is still there, still listening, still answering. If God is reminding me to pray for Lionel, there is purpose in it! I hope I hear from them. But if I don't I know I was in the right place at the right time even if just for a small rushed prayer with two ladies.

You just never know what God will bring your way, or how it will come. Be ready! And say a prayer for Lionel and for my friend!

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